Metric recognizes environmental protection as one of our guiding principles and we believe that we have a responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment.

Metric implemented the Environmental Protection Policy and Program. This policy is in accordance with all relevant federal, provincial and municipal environmental legislation to ensure pollution prevention and use the best practices to protect the environment. This policy integrates the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts in all our decision-making activities with the promotion of environmental awareness among our employees thereby encouraging them to work in an environmentally responsible manner. Furthermore, our Environmental Protection Program is a systematic approach to ensure that there are minimal impacts to the surrounding environment. This includes meeting prior to commencement of any construction in order to determine potential hazards and to plan accordingly to mitigate risks. Next, conducting multiple follow-ups to ensure that work is being done in accordance with our guidelines. Finally, when work is completed, Metric will ensure that disturbed areas are restored, and vegetation is re-established.