At Metric it is our main objective and priority to provide all members of the organization, including General Contractors and the public the right to OHSA work in a safe and healthy environment.

Our Health and Safety Program is strictly established on our company operations and all requirements outlined in O.H.S.A (Occupational Health & Safety Act). Based on the continued success of our Health & Safety program, Metric Contracting Services Corporation is a COR™ Certified company through the Ministry of Labour (MOL) and Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IH&SA). At Metric we continue to strive to implement and enforce existing procedures, create innovative procedures and policies.
In accordance with O.H. & S.A. (Occupational Health & Safety Act) regulations, we will ensure that incidents/accidents and any illness will be kept to an absolute minimum. Management will maintain and enforce all safety regulations and will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards that may result in personal injury, accident, or property damage. It is only through the cooperation of all personnel that we can maintain a safe and productive workplace. Every member of the organization is equally responsible for maintaining and applying the safety measures and practices.